Virtual Reality City

The First City: Versi

Versi is the capital of the Metatrix and the most comprehensive city for all entertainment, commercial, and community activities. Our goal is to link reality with technology so that imagination becomes reality.

Let us take you on a tour of the city, starting in the largest mall in the world of the Internet. You might wonder: a mall? Yes! We decided to elevate the shopping experience. Our stores are not just websites with pictures and reviews; they are virtual spaces where you can enter and explore products from all merchants, whether they are established companies or budding entrepreneurs.

With VR technology, you can try on shoes or clothes from your favorite brand in stunning 3D. When you make a purchase through your digital wallet, the items will be delivered to your actual home, which is linked to your digital land. This is where your digital home is situated, a space where you and your friends can gather and enjoy your time together in our world.

You can also attend a live performance by your friend Adam, who has always dreamed of becoming a singer. Thanks to this opportunity, he was able to rent the John Theater, a venue owned by a savvy investor who diversifies his income by building projects within the Metatrix. Through his ventures, Adam was even able to purchase the car of his dreams.

This is life in the Metatrix. Some benefit financially, some achieve their dreams, and others invest. Dreams are limitless, and opportunities abound.